About Us

The Professional American Women of Istanbul, PAWI, was started in February 2008 to allow working professionals to get together in a social setting.

PAWI strives to empower and support American/Canadian women and/or spouses of American/Canadians living in Istanbul to reach their full potential by promoting their professional and personal growth and inspiring them to achieve and share their successes.

PAWI Coordinators
Katie Belliel Onan
Chrissy Ramski Güleç

Welcome Coordinators
Felicia Grammas
Dayna Tellibayraktar

Book Club Coordinators
Felicia Grammas
Madeleine Pelletier

Civic Involvement Coordinators
Christina Bache Fidan
Joanne Yildirim

Foodies Group Coordinators
Jade York
Joy Ludwig-McNutt
Banu Özden

Health and Fitness Group Coordinators
Aninne Schneider
Aislyn Griffin

Entrepreneurs Group Coordinator
Cat Jaffee

Membership Directory Coordinator
Sebnem Ercelik

Web Coordinator
Lisa Johnson

Social Media Coordinator
Kate Long

Newsletter Editor
Felicia Grammas

Resident Artist
Rose Deniz

Friends of PAWI Coordinator
Ebony Kelly